Berbier was born from the irreverent idea of bringing elegance and canniness back to modern life.

Timeless Pieces with Unique Personality

Our main purpose is to create unique pieces full of personality that could be taken from an artist's wardrobe or your father's watchmaker.


A piece that can be worn with a suit or with the most groundbreaking sweatshirt you have in your wardrobe. We represent much more than a watch, the time is the least important thing. We want to be a mirror in which anyone can feel reflected and express themselves.

For Those Who Belong

We want to bring exclusivity to a generation in which everything is within the reach of anyone and money is what determines who gets it.

Berbier is not that, Berbier is the last hope for young people to be able to show off a unique piece even if the person in front of them has all the money in the world.

That you don't have to wait until adulthood to wear exclusive watches and, furthermore, that access to them is not determined by your purchasing power, but by belonging to a community.


Two friends wishing to own the best and most exclusive watches you can own but without the purchasing power to do so. At the moment, we are lucky enough to be able to wear one every day, which fulfills half of our goal, as the next one is for many people to be able to do so.